TBAC recent activities
The first quarter of 2023 came in with a flurry of activity!
- We went straight into the conceptualisation, compilation and media presence for the launch of the report. The report titled Tackling governance gaps to improve care is a document set on governance being a critical enabler for the improvement of the national TB programme in having accessible data, the mobilisation of community-led governance and coordinated implementation at all levels of government.
- TBAC is in the process of compiling a podcast profiling some of the elements that have come up within the State of TB report.
- Externally, we have also been involved in the One Impact application content development workshop. An app made up of three tools that serve to empower, engage and give community-led monitoring in placing people affected by TB at the centre of community and care.
- Furthering our involvement within SANAC TB Task Team structures are in our inputs in the Multisectoral Accountability Framework for TB (MAF-TB) in South Africa, a World Health Organisation document in its aims for effective accountability of government and related stakeholders in fast-tracking progress in the end to TB. This is in line with the End TB Strategy 2035 and the Sustainable Development Agenda for 2030.
- Lastly, we shall be starting on the provincial advocacy plan referenced within the 2023 TBAC report in establishing governance structures at local level in partnership with the Treatment Action Campaign.